Wwwwwwwwow. 200 Followers. I should do something.. Uhhhh...
B I G B E N I S.
No but seriously, wow - it took me the better part of six years of on-and-off posting to Tumblr to accumulate 360-ish followers, but here I am, four months after the Great Tumblr Migration, and I'm already over halfway back to the same size of viewership as I was before. My work doesn't get around much, but from the bottom of my heart, thank you all for your support so far. I am thrilled that people find what I create interesting enough to stick around for, and even more grateful that there are people so passionate that I can continue to have a modest following on Patreon. It's awesome to do what I enjoy doing and find some modest success in doing so, and I hope it can continue - I'd love to reach more and more people and actively-give people something to enjoy and look forward to seeing every time I post.
I'm still figuring out the whole Newgrounds thing (I really should figure out a means to turn this fully into my main gallery, including sketches and regular updates), but beyond that I hope I can continue on into the future. I've had a few rough patches here and there, but here's hoping to move ever-upwards from here!
Congrats on all of the followers! :)